Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

So, It's Sunday...

So...we're thinking of something to do. We've been looking for something fun the whole morning... we woke up at 6:30ish and are just now getting around to moving around. (it is 10am!) we have been on the Internet looking for what's going on around town and in Chicago. We were wanting to go ice skating in Chicago since it is the last day for the outside rink in the park but I think we have decided to eat left over beef-n-noodles from last night and then go buy some El cheap~o kites and enjoy the 40something degrees weather at the park. Yeah it's still chilly but seriously- we need to spend some nature time outside.

I have next weekend off, but we don't have any real plans so if you have suggestions let us know! We are talking over going to kokomo and visiting Heartland because it is Easter Right?? They always have an amazing Easter schedule. Who knows at this point. We had a hard enough time deciding what we would be doing today.

Friday night was a blast! We went out about 6 and got chinese food from the A) Most expensive Chinese place around and B) the yummiest chinese food around. Then we rushed to buy our theater sized candy from Wal-Greens and made it to the movies to watch Fool's Gold with only three previews left! And we found decent seats although there were a lot more people in there than we thought there would be. That movie is funny! We liked it.

Last night I wanted to go to the Blue Chip and gamble away my ten dollars. But Chris decided we would go grocery shopping for beef-n-noodles ingredients and rent Fantastic 4 from the red box. We went to the NEW SUPER Wal-Mart in town. And for a brand new super wal-mart- it wasn't all that impressive. I had to get a ruler, they had no wooden rulers...are they banned from schools or just too expensive for wal-mart to sell? And I have been wanting to watch poseidon for a few days now and they didn't have it. :( Today we are going to stop by Hollywood video and see if they have it for sell while we are out buying our kites. :)

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