If Lara Had Bangs, She Would Look Like....

She had a really bad haircut! Don't worry, I'm leaving the thick bangs to the celebrities.
Oh, the things us girls must do...

It is not at all fun trying to curl all that hair! Neh, Don't mind the costume either!
But Chris thinks it turned out cute...

I had just gotten my layers put back in on Friday. Makes the curling feature look so much better!

Boy's got it sooo easy...add some gel and away he goes. Chris bought this shirt ensemble from Steve & Barry's - He has GRRRRREAT taste!

Aren't we cute?

Happy 31st Birthday Mike!

This is Jamie! Mike is in the Orange and Terry is in the Blue.

Mike proudly shows off his Transformer plates to match his Transformer cake.

...Then he proudly licks the butt of the transformer truck...

There's Terry again.

So I guess you can see we had fun at Mike's B-day party last Saturday. We actually started the party with conversation at Mike and Jamie's place in Lafayette. Then around 6pm Jamie surprised Mike by taking him to Hooters instead of Buffalo Wild Wings...I'd say all the guys liked Hooters better. Mike got a birthday card, which Chris got all the pleasure from *Ahem* but then Mike got a special birthday song from the Hooters Girls. Following dinner we went back to the house for cake ...partly because I left my camera, which the batteries died right before going to the indoor go-Kart track! It was $75 bucks for all of us to race two times. We bought a package so Chris and I paid 30, mike and Jamie paid 30 and Terry paid 15. I got lapped by Mike, Jamie and Chris on the first race... I probably would have been lapped by Terry also if he wasn't stuck behind me for the first four laps! I was excited that nobody lapped me on the second race...he he, I must have improved. After racing we headed to the Neon Cactus. This was about 10:30 so it was still kinda quite in the dance section but after looking around, Mike said, "They are just having way too much fun in there, I have to go see what's going on." So, in we went. The room is called the Rusty Bucket, it's host...The Piano Man. The people, CRAZY! It was a blast, We actually can't wait to go back. The people paid money to request songs be played and of course The Piano Man added his own lyrics from time to time making it hilarious. If you were caught doing anything other than singing, clapping and having fun then he called you out and made you perform all by yourself. Needless to say, We screamed and clapped like crazy!! Chris got the nickname- SWEATERGUY from the piano man. Jamie and I thought Mike was Sweater Guy, so when the guy asked which lady Sweater guy was with I pointed to her and she was all smiles... Chris pointed to me later when he referred to us again and he said "we got some California wife swapping going on here..." It's not our fault totally that we didn't know who was who- The table was round and Jamie and I had our backs to the boys and when we came in he was making fun of Mikes orange shirt! You just have to go there sometime. We left around 1:30 am when our side of the room lost the PARTY SIDE title a second time with no hope of getting it back.
Easter was pretty simple for us. We drove home from Lafayette then Chris napped while I did homework and then I made the Tenderloins we were going to eat earlier that week.
Chris and I rented Nancy Drew, Underdog and August Rush this week... we liked them all.
I also got my A back in EDU! I had 126 points out of 140 which gave me like a 90 B. Then Mrs. Ficken offered a 10 point extra credit assignment which I got all 10 points, and this Thursday's cognitive portfolio assignment was worth 20 points, and I got all 20 of them! Thanks Rachel for your help! Rachel has been the subject of my portfolio assignments. She had to take an IQ test online- which she scored an above average score of 115. And then she had to play a 20 question game with grandma using a deck of cards. She scored exceptionally well by finding the answer in only 7 questions. Yay!
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