Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Austin's Birthday

Chris and I went to kokomo this weekend to check on the house, get our taxes done and the trip also included a little birthday bash for Austin!

The house is...decent... sadly the windows need to be replaced and they are an odd size we hear they will most likely be highly expensive. But hey it's still standing.

Mom and the girls drove over from IL and Casi and Shane drove down from FW and we met at Texas Road House (minus Casi and Shane) for dinner. As you can tell from the pictures above, the kids had a great time. Austin got so excited that he got THREE of the NEW FIVE DOLLAR BILLS! I showed him how to tell when money is real by holding it up to the light. He was so excited he told the waitress how to tell when bills are real and he ran across the isle and told the strangers who we obviously made curious because they were holding their bills into the light. It was a good time.

Chris and I went to Heartland on Sunday Morning. We must be missed because sooo many people stopped to talk to us, we were there almost 40 minutes after service let out talking to people.

Our former neighbors John and Eva gave us lots of goodies! John gave us like 200 canned goods and Eva gave us a sugar cream pie. We love Eva's pies. Mom and the girls stopped by the house on their way home from FW. They were just in time for pie! Ashley was asleep but came in later and Rachel ate two slices of pie and took one with her. Ashley decided to take the last slice on the road.

Once we got home Sunday we pretty much just hung out. I painted some tips on my nails while we watched 'The Italian Job'. They look good, usually I mess them up and just paint them a solid color. I'm happy with them.

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