Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Monday, March 15, 2010

On the Prowl...

Chris and I have joyfully opened the house hunting door again. I'm still uneasy about buying a house right now. Yes, I'm still a little fearful for about job security for him...but, there is a whole new idea that we have decided works well for us:

We are not going to go full-blown house pricing. Our original price range was one that would max us out, because we have already done the "fixer-upper" (and failed miserably) we wanted to max out and get something that just needed maintaining. Now, we've changed our minds...again. We're looking at cheaper prices with the least amount of immediate need work. Something we can move into, be happy with, and fix up in stages.

This plan work for us because it has a great back-up plan. While the market may be turning around (pending on who you ask,) ...should...something happen with Chris's employment, the lower price means lower mortgage - which means if the house doesn't sell right away, it will make a great rental property, and thus allow us to quickly rent it out for a great price, because let's face it...IF something happens, we just want to get out from under the payments. Rent-to-Own would be ideal, but there is no need to think about that right now.

So hopefully soon we will have a home and no longer an apartment. =)

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