Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Yes! I bought it June - and slowly made my way through it. Finishing it up last week. Here's what I thought about it: 

Almost like Torture. (And I love me some Sookie!)
If you enjoy the Sookie world of Charlaine Harris, you might be disappointed with the story. I fought a hard battle to survive this one, but I think it's time to face the word...
The series has given us the best it has to offer.
This one took me a while to read due to three factors, with B being the bigger reason:
A) Katelyn keeps me busy.
B) It lacked excitement.
C) It was slow.

A lot of times books start slow and pick up as you get into them. This one picked up about 200 pages in, and even that only lasted for a few pages. I don't think I've been this disappointed in a book in a while. Nothing seemed to jive within the story. Here is my biggest peeve:

  You just wondered aimlessly around with an angry Sookie. I get that Sookie was meant to "grow" in this book, but it could have happened a little more interestingly. She was hurt and mad the entire way through, I feel like I don't even know Sookie. I miss her sitting in the yard, sippin' her tea, working on her tan, and being somewhat polite. We followed her for days on end, in chapter after chapter, where all she does is cook, work, check her mail, sleep, and throw angry insults and negative energy around the town. Even when Tara had the twins and named one after her, she mentions a tear, but no real happy thoughts. In truth, I guess you can say that her life would turn anyone cold, but that's not why I fell in love with her. (Hey, she's a fairy- she can keep her positive outlook when the rest of us wouldn't.)  I miss my quick-witted southern friend with a good sense of humor.

  If you don't already have years invested in the series, you won't want to read this one. (Not that you'd make it past the first chapter, only die-hards, like me, kept going out of obligation.) I'm going to spare you all the rest of the boring and failed (and way missed) opportunities in this book here because I love you, but the review won't be pretty on the book club sites.

I'll leave you with a quote from one of my review buddies:
"Literary Abortion is not being attacked, put it [Sookie Series] out of its misery while it's still the humane thing to do."

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