Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Friday, February 22, 2008


So this week has been pretty simple. I got my EDU test back last night- B. I missed 4 - two of which I shouldn't have missed because I knew them but I mixed up Social Cultural Theory and Social Cognitive Theory for some reason. It happens I guess.

I also started tutoring with a new student last night at the library and I was so excited because as I was showing her different ways to remember when to do what and going through the steps of linear inequalities and such there was one point where I could "see the light bulb turning on" when she got it. It felt so good and this lightbulb was confirmed after we finished and I went to confirm with her mom that we would be meting again on Monday night. I had acccidently put some of the libraries work books with my stack and I went to put them back and I could hear her telling her mom, "Girl stuff I couldn't even follow along with this morning in class I was doing back there." :) Yay! So if I don't help her on anything else- at least I know I helped her on that.

We are still planning on going to IL this weekend as long as the weather permits. My mom says that some of my old friends from elementary are preggers! So hopefully Jamie still talk to some of them and I'll get to see them this weekend too....but who knows who still talks and who doesn't.

I don't think we have anything real interesting coming up this week. I'm working so many hours I probably won't be posting anything big. I still have pictures to add to the site from last weekend. So everyone- have a great week.

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