Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Brother Update:

Cathy has asked about my brother, so I thought I'd make an update of what we have been told.

First off, the worst thing second to death from being hit by a drunk driver: The drunk driver is totally fine with out a freakin' scratch, and based on the fact that he pulled the "I'm having chest pains" at the scene, I'm guessing he could care less about my brother.

My brother however is not as well as we all would hope, but he's alive and he was wearing his helmet so his head is fine (insert your own joke here).

1)His ankle is badly destroyed, saying that they had to "rebuild it from scratch" makes it sound like a cooking recipe, but it sounds like there wasn't much left to work with

2)His legs are badly injured... i.e. they are both broken in several spots I think. He is STILL undergoing various surgeries.

3)He had to receive a hip replacement.

4)Doctors speculate it will take Months, not days, or weeks, but months for him to walk again at best. After that he will most likely not be able to stand for long hours.

5)He has to have some skin graphs done because of the something, something to do with the doo-hickie thingie and something about you know - the burns, the scraping of the roadway, the skin attached to the front end of the guys car (okay, little much but just to show how drinking and driving is unacceptable).. and probably some other things that I don't know...

He is still in the hospital doped on meds no doubt. Once released from the hospital he'll be living in a rehab center. And that is all I can think of at the moment, my hair is up in rollers for the night, it's surprising I can even think at all. I hope I got all my information correct as I'm about third or fourth on the telephone tree, heck the ways those things work he's probably enjoying life at a luxurious resort with a bruised elbow... seriously, joke.

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