Grandma with the boys and Austin's girlfriend, Courtney.
Chris getting himself pumped up for the day.
Devon and Courtney enjoy the rides that go round-n-round.
I thought Devon playing with the bell was just too cute!
He REALLY likes that ringer.
He still gots a hold of it...
Grandma rides the horses with Devon... Little does she know we saw her taking this photo.
There she saw us... We are the ones at the end of the line.
This is what we were doing while they rode the kiddie rides... Austin loved it !
He is such a roller coaster freak... he has been riding them since before he was tall enough... (cow boy boots with attachments on the bottom to make him taller...)
But still enjoys a kiddie ride here and there...
Devon rode like a big boy, all by himself.
What a great big brother, Austin helps Devon out of his seat belt after the ride.
The kids were mesmerized by the water show pirates.
Devon is making sure Uncle Chris saw what just happened...
Then we hit the water park for an hour...
Then Austin had to ride the Frog Hopper. It is a mini-dropzone ride that he loves.
Courtney is scared of heights. She did a very good job on it though.
Grandma and Austin also rode the sky lift thing. I had Devon and he wanted to ride, but he only wanted to sit on my lap and that was not allowed. So he screamed and we got off. Courtney is afraid of heights so she did not ride it. Chris walked her to the other side, Devon and I had to catch up, they were wondering what happened to us.
And as posted earlier- we got to the hospital with perfect timing....
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