It started early Saturday. We got our bag packed for the night, got all the cleaning caught up, had time to vacuum out Chris' car, and headed over to Sullair for the family outing. It was awesome. We only wished we had little kids with us to play all the games with... next year, we'll have to pick up a niece or a nephew or two before hand.
There were a lot of the those bouncy pits and blown up slides for the kids. The food was GREAT! We just had hamburgers, chips, Corn on the cob and pasta salad, but it was GOOOOOOOD. We also got a great gift for coming out.. it is a portable grill thing with a cooler and it is in a nylon type bag I guess... I'll get some picture of it later this week to post.
Here are more rides and a few game booths. There were many more around the grounds. All the game booths were free and the kids all got prizes.
The wall was pretty cool. There were way too many people in line, Chris and I wanted to climb it, but we also wanted to make it to the Derby.
Here is Chris with one employee George. We saw several others out there.
This is Chris driving to Danville.
This is me before I fell asleep on the way to Danville.
This is Casi at the fair in G-town.
Chris sticking his tongue out! We are waiting to get into the grandstands for the derby.
I take my own picture, then us girls head out to see what all the fair has to offer. Chris and Austin stay in line to get us some awesome seats.
ROOOOOOAAAAARRRRRR, we have a great time at the petting zoo...
Silly Monkey...
Believe me, you don't want to pet this crazy gorilla.
So my batteries died as we are walking around. So I got no pictures of the derby to show you, but it was A LOT of fun. Austin loved it, and Chris was so into it, he was standing up cheering for his pick.
Early, Early, Sunday morning we met up with Dad at his semi. He gave us a bookshelf. It is pretty and will replace our current MOVIE stand.
Chris drove his dad's semi from d-ville to champaign. Then we all loaded up in the caddy and headed to Galesburg. We picked up Cousin Jay at the new Wal-Mart there. He was just passing through and was able to make it.
Grandma and Grandpa West
Chris was the Auctioneer again this year. We donated one of those NERF shooters kits with 2 guns and 2 vests.
There is Amy and baby Amber.
Jay plays Frisbee.
And there is his daughter throwing it back.
Dad gets into the field action and plays some kick ball.
So does Uncle Lloyd... look how high he gets that leg.
Chris and his My Little Pony Kite, maybe for his birthday I'll buy him a big nice kite like he wants... or maybe at least a boy kite.
Aunt Carolyn tosses the Frisbee around too.
Chris gets a picture with Grandpa.
Chris passes baby Amber off to her daddy Kevin.
Grandma and Grandpa with her brother Joe.
Family Photo, don't look too close at Lara, her face is all funky. Maybe some else had a better shot..??
Kevin and Dad are in charge of the Pinata... boy they had a crazy time trying to get it wrapped over a branch.
Aunt Nancy comes over to watch the kids play.

The kids try to pull the right string to make the candy fall.
The kids try to pull the right string to make the candy fall.
Chris shows off his new cooler/grill that he got from Sullair.
Makenna and Aunt Nancy play with the bubbles she won at the auction.

Chris and the gang make plans for what to do with the leftover cookbooks.... EBay.... ?
Chris and the gang make plans for what to do with the leftover cookbooks.... EBay.... ?
Before we left Galesburg we stopped over at Lincoln Park to see the Veterans Memorial. We found Grandpa's Brick for Serving.
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