We knew that we would need for cash for the tour at Barker Mansion we wanted to take. So we got to show Isabela all about the ATM and how you get cash when the bank is closed. She said that they do not have ATM's.
We went to Barker Mansion but you must go on a guided tour, and the next tour was in an hour. We decided we would come back, and we went to the beach for the Art Festival.
Chris and Isabela enjoy the art booths. The prices were outrageous. The most expensive thing I saw was $2100. It was a lengthy rectangular canvas painting with green paint splattered and a metal fish head coming out of the middle... I would not pay $2100 for it, but then again I am not really into art like that...
We also went to Wal-Mart to get a few items for Isabela. Then we came home and Chris and I fell asleep on the couch! When we woke up we made plans to go see The Dark Knight at the IMAX. Unfortunately, the interstate was at a dead stop, so we had to take the toll road, Which the on-ramp was backed up. Then the direction were off, because we took a different road. The movie had already started by the time we arrived. We decided that we would just come back another night.
Monday Chris went to work and Isabela and I just chilled until about 11:30. Then we went outside in our PJ's and washed the car. Here is what it looked like when we started.
There was a sprinkler on at the University Park Mall and it was VERY hard water. My car looked bad. Check out those spots.
Here is the nice shiny car! See, it really does shine!
We even cleaned the tires.
Taaa-Daaa, we're finished.
Now, it was time to get registered for school. The teachers and counselors were in meetings all day. So we have to go back today to get her registered. We met Robyn at the school and she showed us around the school, and told Isabela about the different types of food lines in the cafeteria.
Then we stopped at my work and said HELLO to my co-workers. Joe, Carrie and Abby were working, Andy was out to lunch and so was Carol. We got cookies at the branch because we beat our Credit Card Application Goal for last month. They sent a HUGE box of cookies! They were VERY GOOOOOD.
While we were there at work, Joe asked me into his office. Of course I'm like thinking, "Dude it's my day off- don't yell at me now." and he came in and said he had one more thing to finish. He left, he came back, and he gave me 25 dollars. We have been having a contest at work where any approved loan applications or credit card applications that we get, he pays us a set amount out of his wallet. This is because he has been in trouble for us not meeting our goals lately, so this is how he gets us to get more referrals. So last week, I had three pre-approved Signature Lines of Credit pop up. I told the customer and sold them the product! But since they were not written applications I guess they do not count for the money contest. However, I still got money because Joe's boss made a special mention of it on the managers call, and said I deserve something special for getting 3 sig lines. so.. JACKPOT!
After the bank, we went to McDonalds for milkshakes and fries. Can I just say Poor Bela! When we went to Olive Garden they put peppers on her food when she asked them not too. So she had to wait for it to get remade, and NOW we are told the McD's is OUT OF MILKSHAKES! Yeah that's right , OUT OF MILKSHAKES! So we got some soda instead.
Then we went back to the school to watch the Girls Soccer team. They want her to join the team very badly. The entire team (both JV and Varsity) were very nice to her. I told her it is up to her and her parents.
We came home and relaxed for awhile. Then we walked to the library and got some movies. Chris was home cooking dinner when we got back. He made the Roast. It was Very Yummy! Isabela really like the carrots.
Today, we are going to go school supplies shopping after we get her registered- and I don't know what we will do after that. She starts school on Thursday.
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