Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

"Eat Flame Bozo!"

AH-HA! Out tending to the rock bed and found LITERALLY HUNDREDS of unwanted baby box-elder bugs having a grand-ole-time in the shrubs. I hate that rock bed, wanted to get rid of it this year - and now - being the nesting ground for the bugs that grow-up to wallpaper the siding of my house and fly in my hair- I don't have any doubts about pulling all that fugly crap up in the next couple weeks and doing something else there. I sprayed the crap out of those nesting places, going to Big R to get some more high-power bug killing chemicals to spray it again and again and again! Just when I finally got them off the siding for a few days, I find they have probably only been hatching babies to really attack me for being so cruel to them. They maybe hard to see in the picture, but all the little spots are what these diseases look like as babies - then they grow up to look like stink bugs! Wish me luck!

If I get eaten alive I want each and every one of you to know that I love you. =)

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