Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Give the Machine a Break Already!

1) I did make it back to Hobby Lobby last week to buy more patterns…and just when I thought I was done, and all stocked up – JoAnn Fabrics is having a 99 cent sale on McCall patterns! I must take a stroll through those patterns this week.

2) For less than $20 I have sewn 32 Nursing Pads! Yes! I know I’m crazy and insane, but it was pattern-less and fun. (pictured above, so I've lost some skill at a perfect circle, but after the first 8 or 10 it all started to come back and they began to look much better.) I also stopped by the Goodwill on 50% off Saturday and picked up 18 receiving blankets at 25 cents each to start my stash of prefold diapers. Some are crazy cute, while others are going to be cut and hidden within the cuter fabrics to serve as a soaker pad.

3) Chris went to Germany last week for work and got back on Thursday. The first thing he did Friday after work was stop by Shoreline Brewery to buy some beer. He said the German Beer he had was alright, but nothing compared to the beer from the brewery here. This weekend he played with the old radio that was in the basement wall, but now provides musical entertainment in the garage for when we work in the yard. He also fixed the tractor so it runs more smoothly and much more silently.

4) I finished my current reading material, “Dead Reckoning”. This is the most recent of the Sookie Stackhouse series. While it started slow, it was every bit as enchanting as I hoped it would be. (Might spoil some happenings for any potential readers – stop here.) I was excited to see Alcide back (even it was for only a couple pages), glad to see a new side of Pam, and surprised that Jason seemingly fell off the face of the earth. We’ve been left with room for the potential of another book…basically, Sookie is still alive, wounded heart, and holds a precious fairy love token that can make just about anything happen in another chapter (or 16 chapters) of her life next. However, if the series ends with this book – then I’m perfectly content. Yeah, not all the strings were tied up 100%, but each story was left in such a way that by now we know the characters well enough to just assume what decisions they are going to make, or at least, I know I can smile as I have already decided what move I’d like most of the characters to make in conclusion. Perfect. Any suggestions for the next read?

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